Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. With my little family, I’m always looking for ways to create special traditions during the holidays. My daughter, Jaliea, is a book lover, so I was excited to introduce her to the idea of a book advent calendar. Christmas ’22, we purchased one from our […]

Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. With my little family, I’m always looking for ways to create special traditions during the holidays. My daughter, Jaliea, is a book lover, so I was excited to introduce her to the idea of a book advent calendar. Christmas ’22, we purchased one from our […]

As fall approaches and the temperature continues to drop, there’s nothing quite like curling up with a warm bowl of comfort food and my comfort food during this time of the year/season is either chilli or soup. On this particular evening, I opted for a hearty bowl of chilli. The best part? This is a […]

We have a toddler among us y’all! Jaliea turned 18 months a couple weeks ago and we are still trying to figure out where the time went. I feel like we were just doing the last minute touches in our home to prepare for her arrival yesterday. From sanitizing bottles, to washing her clothes and […]

Hello, lovely readers! I’m so excited to share a delightful twist on a classic treat that I’ve been enjoying lately: Oreo Banana Bread. As you might remember from the About page, in the Get to Know Me section, I mentioned my love for Oreo. As such, when I came across this Oreo Banana Bread recipe on Instagram, […]

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